Thursday, June 5, 2014

This is REAL Life...Deborah's LIFE

Monica had posted some emotionally wracked  information about a girl named Deborah.
Hay friends meet Deborah she is Lillian daughter a woman whose husband was killed in 2007 post election violence she found her husband rotting in sack under the sewage water. Deborah has passed exams and qualified to join high school, but due to lack of school fees her dreams seems to be shattered. Today she was rescued while she was attempting suicide because her friends had all left for school. She was rescued by neighbour. Lillian cannot afford to pay for her daughter, I am asking for prayers and anyone feeling touched to support this girl to contact me, even prayers are accepted.
Monica had run into her and her family as she walked across the slum. She was horrified to find out that Deborah had become so distraught,that she had tried to commit suicide. They rescued her from ending her life.  As I read her post , I began to weep at the thought of this poor child becoming so hopeless, that she was willing to end the precious life she has been given. Deborah dreams of becoming a doctor. After doing some investigation, I found out that she been promised a scholarship. An organization, that made a promise was unable to provide one for her. She saw all of her friends leaving, preparing to go off to school. Her temporary setback suddenly seemed to be a crisis. In Kenya most children are sent away from home for high school years. This allows the child a chance to be away from home, away from daily housework and distraction. They can focus on their studies!  There are some extra purchases  necessary as a child prepares to go to high school. They must purchase a mattress & bedding, several sets of uniforms , shoes, underwear , socks ...  it all adds up as a family tries to send their child to school. Deborah's family had experienced the tragic loss of their father after the post election violence. He was found, rotting under a sack, causing not only emotional pain and loss, but also devastating the family financially.
Deborah's story is not unique. It is often repeated all over Kenya. Some very similar, some even more heart wrenching than the next.
Monica's plea on behalf of Deborah has had a happy ending. Someone has stepped forward to pay her tuition.
There are so many needs, so many Deborahs, so much we can help with... It becomes overwhelming. But, if we help the ONE in front of us... I think God is pleased with that!
May the Lord continue to allow us the privilege to keep helping. Donate if you can help!
You can designate how your gift will be used!
School building
Teacher salary
Please continue to pray for us!
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